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Yes Virginia, travel agents are still a thing.

While having dinner with some old (and new) friends recently we got on the subject of upcoming travel plans and how much we were looking forward to getting away. Upon learning that this is what I do for a living, the new gal, we'll call her Virginia, said, "oh wow really? I didn't know travel agents were still a thing" I smiled and politely explained that Travel Agents, at least the good ones, are not only still "a thing" but we are thriving and in great demand!

After answering a few more questions the conversation shifted but it made me think. I confess that it is a bit frustrating to me, that our industry as a whole, has done a lousy job of educating the public about what we do and how we make money. So I thought it would be fun and hopefully informative to use the rest of this post to demystify and educate. First, I preface by saying that I base my answers on my 35 years as a travel professional, as well as personal experiences as a consumer. So here goes...

"But doesn't everyone just book on the internet now?" No, not really. Small easy things sure, but not the big stuff. Not the important stuff, because well, this is your vacation! You worked for it, you earned it, and you don't want it screwed up! If you choose badly there is no do-over, and rarely anyone anyone to complain to or fix it. Our clients know this, either because they have had a bad experience or they just don't want to take the risk. You must ask yourself, am I just placing an order or do I want to deal with someone who is well traveled, knows products and destination and can steer you in the right direction?

How DO you make money? Do you charge big fees? No. Most suppliers, such as cruise lines, tour companies, hotels, car rental agencies, pay us a commission out of the cost of your trip. it is the same $$ whether you book it directly with them or through us. There ARE things we charge nominal fees for such as simple air tickets. I would always tell you first, and give you the option to book it yourself.

"Won't I pay more to use a travel agent?" No! Sure the online sellers would like you to believe that. They want you to stop shopping, and just push the "buy it now" button. The reality is that you will likely pay less and get more for your money with a travel agent in your corner. This could be in the form of preferred pricing due to established relationships, special promos, upgrades, added amenities or perks. Most importantly, your TA knows what to steer you AWAY from, and to ask the questions you didn't even think about. Finally, your TA is there to take care of business when sh%&t goes down, and you are on your trip. The guy who booked on, or something, is hearing something like this, "your call is very important to us, please stay on the line and.... Well you get the picture. Anyway, find yourself a great travel agent, there's a bunch of us out there! Ask for references and recommendations from friends who travel. Most of my new clients come from referrals!

Finally i would say, once you find a good TA, hang on to them and give them a hug once in a while. You have no idea how hard they are working for you!

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